A: To put it bluntly, we aren’t your ‘Average Joe’s neighborhood lawn service’. We use commercial grade mowers, commercial trimmers and blowers. We also use state-of-the-art scheduling software as well as having a merchant business account for our billing software (Level 1 PCI compliant).
A: Our billing is simple! Your Debit/Credit card on file is automatically billed on Monday’s according to the service you select. You’ll be billed 1 week prior to your scheduled mowing week. The reason we advance bill is because we understand cards get lost, stolen, expire, or you just want to update a card with us and we can make changes without interruption of service/without letting your lawn get overgrown. At this time we do not accept checks, cash, or any other forms of payment. There are no hidden fee’s or charges. For all one time mows, your card will be billed prior to service. For One Time Mow info, click here
When you commit to us, we commit to you. When you sign up with us, we reserve a slot for you on our schedule and guarantee that we will provide all necessary equipment, employees, insurance and all other costs of business. For these reasons, all we require is a 6 mowing minimum.
A: We strongly suggest weekly service, as it’s a standard for Maryland turf grass. With biweekly mowings (every other week), your lawn has a strong potential of leaving clumps and uncut strands of grass left behind because it’s too much for our mowers to process. Biweekly mowings are also harder to maintain the trimming because of overgrowth and cleaning up of the clippings due to excessive growth between mowings. After our crews leave clumps, we tend to get complaints, which could easily be fixed by switching to a weekly mowing schedule. We like to follow the 1/3rd rule…where it’s best to cut only 1/3rd of the length of grass. If you use fertilizers, water frequently, or sign up in the Spring time before July, we strongly suggest a weekly mowing to prevent negative effects to your fertilizers and clumps left behind. As a general rule to follow, biweekly mowing is more so meant for those who don’t mind the way their lawn looks and are just looking to have it mowed.
A: Our lawn service does not include weeding flower beds, leaf removal, trim hedges/shrubs, trimming weeds in driveway cracks, remove pet waste, fertilize, branch or stick removal or mowing/trimming in areas that generally aren’t mowed because there isn’t any grass. Edging of driveways and sidewalks is also not included with each mowing. Our service consists of mowing your lawn, trimming areas where the mowers couldn’t fit (around light poles, fences, etc) and blowing off all hard surfaces to remove grass clippings. Please email us for a quote, themowingproslawnservice@gmail.com All additional services can be scheduled and we can provide a free quote for you.
A: Clippings (also known as “clumps”) left on the lawn indicate your lawn was overgrown when we mowed, but not quite at our 6″ limit. This will even out after a few mowings until we can get the lawn back to a normal healthy height. The clumps are caused by the mowers not being able to process the height of the grass. Please note we maintain all lawns at 3.5″. We don’t use bags or bag the clippings, as the clippings are nutrients added back into the lawn. Clippings decompose and release much needed nitrogen back into your lawn to keep it looking green. If you are on a biweekly schedule and notice after each mowing that clumps are still being left behind, the best solution would be to switch to a weekly schedule. For the Spring season (Until July), we strongly suggest a weekly mowing frequency. If you use fertilizers, we strongly suggest weekly mowings.
A: At this time we would not be able to mow your property. In order for us to mow, we require the lock to stay off your fence at all times during the mowing season so we can access your yard.
A: We do not guarantee days or times and unfortunately can’t notify you before we arrive. Our schedule is based on mother nature, when we are in the area, breakdowns, employees, etc. Sometimes our schedule changes last minute, therefore it would be impossible for us to know exactly when we’ll be at your property. When you sign up, we route you when we have a truck in your area. Our mowing days are Monday-Thursday, and we reserve Friday, Saturday and Sunday as our “catch up” days if we have rain or other unexpected delays. You should expect to see our crew between the hours of 8am and 6pm within 3 days of when your order is processed. A general guideline is to see what day your lawn tech performs the 2nd and 3rd mowing. This day will usually be the day of the week we will mow your lawn. In the event of extreme weather/rain/flooding, we do our best to get your lawn caught up. In the rare case that we can’t get caught up, and have to skip a week, we will spend extra time on the next cut getting your lawn back into shape (of course at no extra charge and sometimes including bagging the clippings). Unfortunately we don’t offer refunds due to mother nature.
A: We can handle lawns up to 6″. An easy way to determine if your lawn is overgrown and over 6″ is to see if your lawn is taller than 2″ above your ankle and consistent throughout the whole lawn. We can, of course, mow your lawn if only a few spots are at or over 6″. Upon arrival, if your entire lawn is consistently over our 6″ limit, your lawn will be skipped and your service will be cancelled. While we would love to mow your lawn, we can’t mow overgrown lawns.
The picture below on the left is well over our 6″ limit.

The picture on the right is a little on the taller side of 6″, but we can still mow your lawn. However, you will notice clumps and strands of uncut grass may be left behind. This should even out on the 2nd mowing.
A: We do not require contracts for our service, however, we do have a 6 mowing minimum. In the event you want to cancel, just send fill out THIS FORM and we will finish out the last mowing that was charged. After the mowing year is over in November, we consider you a customer for the next year. Our season starts around the end of March/early April and ends the last week of November. We STRONGLY suggest keeping the service until the end of the year to keep your lawn healthy (grass will continue to grow until first freeze) and not let any debris pile up. Please note, WE DO NOT accept cancellations in November due to clean ups, last mowings of the year and leaf removals all being scheduled. All cancellations must be sent in PRIOR to October 31st.
Rain is unfortunately part of our business. In the event of a rain delay or cancellation, we will attempt to make up the mowing the next day. If there is consistent rain, or the ground is too saturated to mow, we may need to skip your mowing (or a section of your lawn) and spend extra time on the next scheduled mowing to get it back into shape. If this happens, and you are on a biweekly schedule, it would amount to about 4 weeks between mowings (this is another reason we strongly suggest a weekly mowing frequency). While our lawn techs try to use care, common things you may see are mud tracks or wheel marks, rutting, or marks where the mower slides. Our 3 main concerns are the safety of our employees, trying not to damage your property and not getting a mower stuck in the mud. Unfortunately we are at a total “catch 22”- meaning we can mow it and leave mud tracks or we can skip it and leave large amounts of excess clippings on the next mowing. Both situations are not ideal, but we will certainly do our best and ask for you to bare with us as we attempt to get your lawn back into the shape it was in. Because your grass continues to grow, and the amount of work required to maintain it if we need to cancel a mowing, we don’t offer refunds or charge extra due to weather conditions.
A: We do not offer refunds once you have been billed or mowed. Due to the current condition of your lawn, reserving a slot on our schedule for you, processing, and routing onto our routes, we consider you a customer when you have been billed. The first few mowings are always the hardest for us as we try to get a feel for your property and in some cases, get your lawn back to a healthy height. If by chance we missed something, please let us know and we’ll be happy to come back and fix it! In the event of extreme weather/rain/flooding, we do our best to get your lawn caught up. In the rare case that we can’t get caught up, and have to skip a week, we will spend extra time on the next cut getting your lawn back into shape (of course at no extra charge, and may involve bagging the clippings). Unfortunately we don’t offer refunds due to mother nature or once you have been billed and/or mowed.
A: For the start of our season, we begin just about the time your lawn will start to grow. Usually this is late March or early April. We will send out emails prior to the start of the season letting you know we will be mowing soon. Our season ends the week before Thanksgiving. Although your grass will continue to grow until the first freeze, it’s not enough growth that there is a need to continue mowing it. Please keep our cancellation policy in mind if you decide to stop the service early (all cancellations need to be submitted prior to 10/31). Also keep in mind any service cancellation does not guarantee a spot on our schedule should you decide to sign up the following year.
A: For biweekly service, we require lawns to be cut so they stay at optimum conditions. Therefore we can not skip your mowing. For weekly service, if you prefer to go from weekly to biweekly, please contact us so we can change your rate and schedule. We do not allow suspending service because of scheduling purposes and because we allocate a slot for you on our schedule. If you would like to be skipped, please note no refunds can be issued.
A: Please send an email to themowingproslawnservice@gmail.com right away. Please keep in mind that grass grows, so time is not on our side. In most cases, we handle issues within 24 hours. If there was something we may have missed, we’ll be glad to come back and fix it.
A: Don’t panic! We’ll be happy to come back and fix it. Each year we mow thousands of lawns, and while some properties are easy to figure out, others are not. We do the best we can to figure out your property lines, but occasionally we do mess up. If by chance this happens, please email us themowingproslawnservice@gmail.com so we can determine your property lines and send your lawn tech back to complete it.
A: Sometimes there is a difference in expectations of what a lawn service offers versus what the friend/family member may be looking for. For this reason, we are not able to process orders if trying to sign up a friend or family member.
A: Of course! Just send us an email themowingproslawnservice@gmail.com with your name and address. We will email you a quote within 1 business day. At this time we do not discount townhouses with only a front or back yard.
A: If the majority of your yard is heavily wooded, please contact us themowingproslawnservice@gmail.com In order to get you an accurate price, we will have to go to your property and get a square footage. We do not consider flower beds, a few trees, or shrubs as heavily wooded. If you have a swimming pool, we do our best to keep clippings out of the pool. It is nearly impossible to keep your pool clipping free, and we take extra time to limit the clippings as much as possible. Therefore, there is no price change for pool owners.
A: Of course! Just send us an email and we will change your account for you. themowingproslawnservice@gmail.com
A: All of our mowers are set at a fixed height of 3.5″. The standard for Maryland lawns is around 3.5″. In order to keep a healthy looking lawn, we can not change the setting.
More from the MDA: By mowing to a height of 3″ to 3.5″, broadleaf weeds can be reduced by 50% to 80% compared to turf mowed at a 2″ height. Taller grass results in roots that are healthier and taller grass stays greener in the summer.
A: Large items are left in place. If we can get a trimmer or mower in the area, we will do our best. The most important thing is we do not want to damage your items. Any small items like kids toys will be moved before mowing. We try our best to pick everything up, but on occasion may miss something. We are not held liable for any toys or small items damaged if ran over by one of our mowers. Our prices reflect an average flat yard with very little to no debris/toys and pet waste. Please note, you may be subject to a price increase if there is too many items/pet waste in your lawn. We will notify you before any charges are applied.
A: For our crew’s saftey and your pet’s safety, we ask that all pets be inside when our mowing crew arrives. We can not be held responsible for your pets. In the event our crew arrives and your pet is outside, we will attempt to knock on your door. If there is no answer, we will mow the portion where your pet isn’t kept and mow the remainder on the next mowing. For example, if your pet is kept in the back yard, we will mow the front. Please note excess pet waste is subject to a price increase.
A: Please notify us immediately so we can investigate the issue. While we do our best to avoid any damage, sometimes accidents may occur. To help us prevent damage, please let us know what to watch out for on your sign up form, and ensure the lawn is debris free prior to each mowing. Please also make sure any drain covers, pipes, cable boxes, and/or broken sprinkler heads are properly marked for us to see. Some examples of marking them properly are with orange paint, landscape borders, small flags or stakes. We are not held liable for unmarked items or items not mentioned to us on the sign up form. Sometimes we come across wires (cable, etc) on the outside of a house. Building code requires all cables/wires to be in a protected casing if outside your house. Please ensure this is done, as we are not held responsible for them if they get snapped. If you decide to select a biweekly mowing, the high grass growth increases risk to damaged property because we have a harder time seeing items in the lawn.
A: No. All Lawn Techs are employees of The Mowing Pros